Set in Long Island, the story centers around the winemaking Fiorelli family, Benno and Lidia and their two sons, Martin, a teenager with a mild case of cerebral palsy and Antonio, a nine year old wine prodigy. Benno, obsessed with creating a prize-winning vintage, has been neglecting his marriage. Lidia, unable to communicate her frustrations, finds herself drawn to Martin’s karate instructor, the young, handsome, and charismatic, Father Michael. The Family Fiorelli is a new musical about a remarkable family and the choices they make to stay one. Book and Lyrics by Fred Anthony Marco, Music by Alastair William King.
"Undoubted showstoppers superbly done. Melodies by Alastair William King that soar and have drive. Lyrics by Fred Anthony Marco (like the script, which he also wrote) that have courage and let its heroes have flaws...
The final catharsis, so effective, so well done, is deeply moving and satisfying."
"Hilarious, powerful, terrific."
"A fantastic premise, well executed.
Optimistic and heart-wrenching all at once. World-class. "